Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Elements: Water

You are floating in a lake. Your body is relaxed and so is your mind. In perfect stillness you feel an unspeakable peace. Suddenly a storm starting rolling in. Rain starting pouring over you and shocks you back into this plane of existence. Water is the essence of emotions and flowing movement. It’s associated with the heart and love. It is also the element of dreams, visions, and mystery. Its connection with the moon and Goddess is palpable. In any form water is cleansing. Its direction is west and time of day is dusk. Its stage of life is middle-age and its season is Autumn. The elementals of the water element are called Undines. Magic which works well with water include love, healing, cleansing/purification, meditation, family, friends, and beauty.

In this picture I decided to depict water with a chalice.

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