I often feel as if I am constantly putting the witchy side of myself in a box in order to get things done and spend time with friends and family. I need pack that part of myself away and only when the time is right take the witch out to play. Is it suppose to be this difficult? Why does it seems like being a witch is further complicating my life and holding me back when it should be moving me forward? I especially feel that I have trouble getting close to people and let them fully know my soul. I love being a witch but often I feel ties me too much to another world. I almost wish currently that I could strip myself of the witch and change into a more normal and relatable person. Have any of you felt this way and/or have any advice for me? I would much appreciate any input.
I feel as if I am Alice when she is trapped in the house as she keeps growing and growing and growing.
I feel as if I am Alice when she is trapped in the house as she keeps growing and growing and growing.